One of my favourite new juice recipes and if this is what you have to drink to detox and cleanse the body then count me in.

Drinking green juice daily is one of the BEST things you can do for your health because green vegetable juices are the optimal food for cleansing, purifying, and healing your body.

Green juice contains chlorophyll (the blood of plants) and is remarkably similar to our own blood (haemoglobin).

When you dink a daily glass of freshly extracted, cold pressed green juice your body receives a highly concentrated, powerful, instantly absorbable, living nutrition that has many benefits for the body.

Look at some of the benefits of green juice:

  • Healthy Glowing Skin
  • Improved Energy
  • Weight Loss
  • Digestive Health
  • High in Amino acids to build proteins
  • High in Vitamin K for calcium
  • High in Plant-based iron

Happy Juicing!



The flavour is very “moreish” with the perfect amount of sweetness to balance out the spicy flavour. It’s clean, refreshing and very easy to drink.


  • 1 celery stalk
  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 apples
  • 1/2 capsicum (green)
  • 1 handful parsley
  • 1 ginger knob (2cm)
  • 1 jalapeno

Juicing Time: 3 min
Juice Qty:  600ml
Serves:  2



  • Chop stalks into small thumb-size pieces across the stalks (this shortens the long stringy cellulose fibre and stops it from wrapping around the press)
  • You can juice celery leaves, however it will add bitterness, so discard if you don’t like this
  • REVO830: No need to chop into small pieces
  • AUTO10: Cut long pieces to fit in the hopper


  • Cut into chunks to fit down the chute
  • Juice with skin on


  • Remove the stems and remove any stickers
  • Juice apples whole with skin and seeds.
  • Cut in half or quarters if too big to fit into the wide chute


  • Roughly chop leaves and stems
  • Juice handfuls at a time


  • Wash and dry
  • Cut into thin pieces the size of your thumbnail leaving the skin on


  • Cut off the end with the hard stalk
  • Cut into half and remove the seeds
    (you can juice the seeds but only if you like it hot!!!)

Cold Press Juicing Method

Start making this juice with the cucumber chunks.

Once they have pressed through the juicer add the celery pieces one handful at a time letting the machine squeeze and press each handful.

Next add the ginger, the jalapeno followed by the capsicum.

Grab a handful of parsley, squeeze into a small ball in your hand and then add the ball to the juicer.

Finish with the hard apples to help push the light parsley through the press.

Tip: this one can get real spicy depending on the jalapenos you use and weather you juice the seeds or not. Try slicing a small piece off the end and tasting the spiciness before juicing.


AUTO10 Layering: parsley, cucumber, jalapeno, apple, celery, ginger